Highlights when comparing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair

For many people, distinguishing between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair is not an easy thing. Because when comparing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, the most obvious thing is their similarity, not other points. Let’s go through some of the points in this article to find out the real difference between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair.

Similarities when comparing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair

To see the similarities between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair is not too difficult. But this article will go over a few key similarities between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair so you get the best overview of these two types of hair.

  • The climates of Vietnam and India have some similarities, creating commonalities between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair. Both are from hot climate areas, so when you compare raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, you’ll find the hair fiber properties are relatively similar. The hair strands are often thick, giving a slightly coarse feel, not too thin and smooth like European hair. That is the first similarity between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair.
  • If you compare the variety of designs of raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, you will also see another similarity. Both raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair can form a variety of hairstyles, from straight to curly. Therefore, when the hair is processed and formed into specific products, it becomes much more difficult to distinguish between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair.
  • In terms of usage time, raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair will both last a long time if you know how to take care of them properly. Because raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair are all real human hair, if handled properly, they can be used comfortably for a long time. In addition, when comparing the care between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, you will also find that they require quite similar care.

Those are the main similarities when comparing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair. It is these similarities that make hair buyers have a lot of problems when distinguishing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair.

The difference between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair

Below, we will provide the key differences between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair so that you can distinguish them more easily.

  • The first difference between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair is durability. Raw Vietnamese hair is very strong and healthy because of the lifestyle and eating habits of Vietnamese people. Most of the Vietnamese people’s diets are products that are less hot and spicy, with a neutral taste, which helps to nourish raw Vietnamese hair to be stronger. That’s why, in case you don’t want to take care of your hair much, when comparing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, Vietnamese hair wins. The health of Vietnamese hair is undeniable when placed in the battle between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair.
The difference between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair
  • The second difference between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair is the quality of the hair products created afterwards. Vietnamese factories are always more careful and meticulous in processing and production, so when you compare raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, you will see the superiority in raw Vietnamese hair.
  • The third difference between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair is the price. The price of raw Indian hair is usually much cheaper when compared to raw Vietnamese hair. Due to the difference in quality, of course when comparing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, you will find raw Indian hair at a lower price. However, if you compare Vietnamese virgin hair with raw Indian hair, you will see the same price but the quality of Vietnamese virgin hair will be better than raw Indian hair. So, if you can’t afford to get Vietnamese raw hair in the raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair war, choose Vietnamese virgin hair. Because, Vietnamese virgin hair has a very reasonable price while the quality is much better than raw Indian hair

And those are the three main differences when comparing raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair. Hopefully with the 3 special points that we mention in this article, you can distinguish between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair.

Raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair: Where to buy?

If you are too tired to distinguish raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair and want to know a reputable shopping address, choose 5S Hair Factory. 5S Hair has all the raw Vietnamese hair and virgin hair products you need. Coming to 5S Hair, you will receive the correct care and advice, even if you cannot distinguish between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair. And even if you want to learn more about the difference between raw Vietnamese hair vs raw Indian hair, the staff at 5S Hair can definitely help you.

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