Features of raw Vietnamese straight hair that you need to remember

The appearance of raw Vietnamese straight hair has brought a big difference to the hair extensions market. The beauty of raw Vietnamese straight hair immediately beat similar products on the market. To keep up with this trend, this article will help you learn information about raw Vietnamese straight hair.

Origin of raw Vietnamese straight hair

So first of all, let’s find the answer to the question: What is Raw Vietnamese straight hair? Where does raw Vietnamese straight hair come from?

Raw Vietnamese straight hair are products made from real hair of young Vietnamese women in the high mountains. A special feature of raw Vietnamese straight hair is that this product is selected from people aged 18-22. The selection from this age makes the hair of raw Vietnamese straight hair extremely strong and shiny. Therefore, when buying raw Vietnamese straight hair, you can be assured of its origin. Raw Vietnamese hair vendors have a clear origin so they will import raw Vietnamese straight hair products with the best quality. The clarity of origin of raw Vietnamese straight hair will help you feel secure during use. Especially, if you buy from a raw Vietnamese hair vendor that has a clear origin, you will get raw Vietnamese straight hair that is beautiful and has a long shelf life.

And that is the definition and origin of raw Vietnamese straight hair. Once you have a good understanding of the origin, you can easily understand more about raw Vietnamese straight hair.

Characteristics of raw Vietnamese straight hair

Raw Vietnamese straight hair has very unique features that you may not know. Please read this part of the article carefully to get the most in-depth look at raw Vietnamese straight hair.

  • The first feature of raw Vietnamese straight hair is that this product has not undergone any chemical treatment. This is a very important point that you need to clarify with the supplier when looking to buy raw Vietnamese straight hair. If the supplier can’t confirm that their raw Vietnamese straight hair has been processed, don’t buy it. Raw Vietnamese straight hair must be a product that has not undergone any chemical treatment. The beauty of raw Vietnamese straight hair must be completely natural.
Characteristics of raw Vietnamese straight hair
  • The second feature of raw Vietnamese straight hair is where it sells. Only Vietnamese hair vendors can provide raw Vietnamese straight hair in bulk. Raw Vietnamese straight hair is a difficult product to harvest because of its specificity. So even with Vietnamese hair vendors, it is very difficult to find and make raw Vietnamese straight hair in large quantities. Currently on the market, several raw Indonesian hair manufacturers have many hair textures of raw Vietnamese straight hair. This is completely impossible. If any raw Indonesian hair manufacturers tell you they have large quantities of raw Vietnamese straight hair, beware.
  • In addition, raw Vietnamese straight hair also has a rather high price compared to other Vietnamese hair extension products. The reason is also because of the rarity of raw Vietnamese straight hair. However, if you compare the price of raw Vietnamese straight hair with raw hair products of other countries, raw Vietnamese straight hair still has an attractive price because of its superior quality. Not all raw hair products have the same perfect quality as raw Vietnamese straight hair.

And those are the 3 main characteristics of raw Vietnamese straight hair. With this knowledge about raw Vietnamese straight hair, we are confident that your decisions when buying raw Vietnamese straight hair will be more accurate.

5S Hair – A factory specializing in providing raw Vietnamese straight hair

As we mentioned above, buying raw Vietnamese straight hair in bulk is not easy. However, if you come to 5S Hair Factory, you can buy raw Vietnamese straight hair in bulk. 5S Hair specializes in providing raw Vietnamese straight hair with the best quality and clear origin. So, if you’re looking to buy raw Vietnamese straight hair, come to 5S Hair. Not only that, the staff at 5S Hair Factory will provide you with any information you need to know about raw Vietnamese straight hair.

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